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Justice for My Jewel

5 Affirmations to Speak Over Your Life During This Pandemic

When you think of all of the plans that were cancelled due to this global hardship, it can be discouraging to move forward. This pandemic has created a mess of things not only on a global scale but also on a socioeconomic level, affecting our households. Special plans for weddings and graduations, the start of a new job or buying a new car were made at the midst of the global fight of COVID-19, and now people are forced to put these intentions on hold. 

During this massive pause as times continue to be unprecedented, it may be difficult to predict when life doesn’t seem so “up in the air”. These feelings of doubt and uncertainty can be combated by speaking positive affirmations to yourself on a daily basis. Take a step back and observe what happens as you give yourself warming reassurance and intentional affirmations.

What is an affirmation? Affirmations are statements repeated to yourself filled with reassurance and encouragement you confirm to be true. When affirming something to be true it becomes believable. Inadvertently, you align with this idea until it becomes reality. Speaking these phrases to yourself with conviction can have significant effects on your conscious and subconscious. 

Here are 5 positive affirmations to speak over your life during this pandemic today:

I will let go negative emotional attachments to what I can’t control and do my best with what I can control. 

Remember that you are only one person. Realistically, you don’t have a controlling grip on everything in your life. This unhealthy attachment  yields a considerable amount of anxiety. Focus on what you can control, and have faith that what you don’t have power over will manifest in your favor.

The plans put in place before this pandemic will follow through, they are just on divine timing. 

Be cognizant that plans are paused not cancelled. Confidently saying your plans will happen in divine timing fades those heavy feelings of disappointment. You will be able to look towards the future with more optimistic eyes. 

I am a bearer of kindness and free myself from judgement.

At this time it’s easy to judge others, as the world is filled with people who aren’t following the suggested protocol needed to keep others safe by staying inside and practicing social distancing. Telling yourself you won’t harbor those negative feelings of judgement naturally increases serotonin levels that contribute to your mind’s state of happiness.

This month will be a productive groundbreaking month. 

By speaking this affirmation you will begin to live more intentionally. Proclaim that all goals will be met. Believe this month will make room for yet another groundbreaking opportunity to get closer to accomplishing your endeavors. 

I will protect my peace blocking out the negative noise of the media.

Listening to the news and coming across various social media posts regarding COVID-19 can be exhausting. Protect your peaceful state of mind by shutting off the TV and social media apps. 

The phrase “the power of the tongue” is widely known for a reason as we are encouraged to program our minds to watch what is said. Practicing this level of mindfulness makes us unstoppable as we move towards a brighter future. These affirming statements will not only positively impact your mental health, they will change your life. 

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