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5 Foods That Contribute to Maintaining Breast Health

Justice for My Jewel

Did you know the foods you eat contribute to maintaining the health of your breasts? Year around we have conversations on how important it is to self-exam and to get mammograms, although there are additional steps to take to make sure you are healthy. The foods we eat play a significant role in not only the state of our minds but the status of our breast health. According to Medical News, alcohol, added sugars, fat, red meat, and processed foods increase the risk of breast cancer and should be avoided. We can either benefit from the foods we eat or suffer as they work from the inside out. Here are 5 key foods that contribute to maintaining healthy breasts. 


Although turmeric is not identified as food, it is a spice that has dietary benefits. Turmeric is universal and can be added to your favorite stews and hot teas. Turmeric contains vitamin C, fiber, iron, niacin, potassium, beta-carotene, zinc and other well-known nutrients. According to Cancer Research UK , in lab studies tumeric has been shown to actually kill cancer cells and prevent the production of more cancer cells. Curcumin has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties that have the ability to keep the breast and the skin around it healthy. 


Beans, beans they’re good for your heart but did you know they can be good for your breast health? Chickpeas, lentils, kidney, pinto and black beans are packed with iron, folate, and fiber. Fiber works in removing excess estrogen in the body that contributes to increasing the risk of breast cancer. Healthline reveals that researchers found a 25 percent reduction in breast cancer in those who consumed bean fiber. Eat your beans on a daily basis to possibly decrease the chances of developing breast cancer.


Plums are filled with antioxidants that can help lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure and promote bone health. Plums are a great source of vitamin C, K and A, potassium, folate and other valuable nutrients. Rich in antioxidants, plums help to protect the body against cell and tissue damage that can lead to diseases such as diabetes and even cancer. Science Daily shows a study in which breast cancer cells, even the most aggressive type, died after treatments with peach and plum extracts in lab tests at Texas AgriLife Research. Eat your plums!


Your body needs “good fats” from foods like fish. Fish that are rich in good fat such as cold water fish like salmon and herring. We often associate salmon with a polyunsaturated fat called Omega-3 but most fish have it. Omega-3 in fish has been shown to improve cardiovascular and cognitive function and lower the risk of breast cancer.  Paying attention to the appearance of your breast and the skin’s color and texture is a part of self-examination. This dietary agent may also improve the skin on top of the breasts. 


Flaxseed isn’t bird food. It’s a seed that has tons of Omega-3, fiber and protein. Flaxseed is a linseed, known to be rich in lignans. This 2018 review reveals that lignans work as an anti-estrogenic due the binding to the cell’s receptors inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. This article further explains how flaxseed has been shown to reduce the metastasis of ER, the breast tumor. By incorporating flaxseed in your diet, you may potentially reduce breast cancer growth.

If you notice any changes in your breasts during a self-exam, please consult your local women’s health specialist.

Featured photo by Shutterstock 

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