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Juicing For Good Health: The Benefits and Downsides

People are looking towards various preventative measures to avoid COVID-19 by boosting their immune systems. Juicing has been an incredibly popular way to fight off sickness and promote good health, however, it hasn’t been proven superior to consuming these foods regularly. How is juicing different from eating our greens? Extracting the juice from fruits and vegetables provides a rich source of nutrients for the body. Aside from some fiber being lost in the process of juicing, there isn’t much of a difference in terms of health. That doesn’t take away from the fact that juicing has numerous benefits. Although juicing fruits, veggies and medicinal herbs provide health benefits, there may also be downsides.

Benefits of Juicing 

Juicing is widely used for the purpose of weight loss as people are going at least 30 days or more consuming only fresh liquified produce. The popularity juicing has for weight loss has influenced people to create Facebook groups for recommendations, online support, and recipes. The great thing about juicing for weight loss is that it works for many people. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to drink a gallon plus of juice in order to get the dietary nutrients needed to function. When you juice instead of eating food, you are cutting back drastically on carbohydrates, good fats, and protein. Being that juicing requires intaking a lot less calories than on a regular day of eating, individuals are losing weight at a rapid rate.

Another benefit of juicing is boosting the immune system creating a higher chance of fighting off sickness. Incorporating immunity enhancing veggies and roots will further decrease your chances of catching cold, flu or one of the most deadliest viruses today, COVID-19. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C that gives us the immune support we need. Adding roots to your juicing routine is also recommended for immune health. According to Health Line, one of the responses of our immune systems is acute inflammation. Ginger and turmeric root have anti-inflammatory properties to decrease pain levels and development of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. 

Incorporating juicing into your diet can have a positive effect on the health and appearance of your skin. The vitamin A content in carrots helps to prevent breakouts and aid in collagen production. Kale and papaya contain Vitamin E which strengthens the skin’s barrier and protects the skin from free radicals. Vitamin E is also an anti-inflammatory and anti-aging staple for supple healthy looking skin.  

Downsides of Juicing 

Oftentimes in the process of juicing, there is a loss of fiber needed for good digestive health. Going 30 days and more juicing without the proper amount of dietary fiber the body needs will impact the digestive tract. According to Everyday Health, eating enough fiber in your diet will decrease rates of constipation and the development of diverticulitis in the colon. The debris left behind in the juicer from the pressed fruits and veggies contains most of that good fiber. 

It is easier to over indulge in the serving size of fruits drinking strictly juice on a juice diet over a long period of time. Just like any food group, there is a suggested serving size for fruit. When you go over that serving you are putting yourself at risk for increased blood sugar levels. In order to combat blood sugar spikes, incorporate small servings of fruit or prioritize veggie juices. 

According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration, the bacteria from raw fruits and vegetables can transfer into your juice compromising food safety. Juices bought in store are pasteurized or treated to destroy harmful bacteria, however in markets where juices are made on the spot and at home they aren’t. Keep produce clean and cut away bruising to avoid bacteria. It’s encouraged to label the date for juices as they are perishable and have a shorter shelf life. 

Juicing is an effective way to incorporate the serving of fruits and veggies the body needs daily in your diet. We need these nutrients for immune support to lessen our chances of getting sick. However, it is important to be cognizant of the downsides of juices along with its benefits. View a juice daily to add to the protein, good fats and carbohydrates we consume as supplementary. As we continue on the road to good health, it is important we know what it really means to juice.  

Featured photo by Shutterstock

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