When you can no longer taste or smell and find you have a mild temperature with a dry cough, it’s time to go get tested for COVID-19 and quarantine immediately for at least 14 days. As you wait for your test results, symptoms may gradually worsen but can be manageable to treat at home. Many of the confirmed cases of the Coronavirus have been successfully treated without hospitalization. Medical professionals, health experts and individuals who have beat the virus are circulating information on how they were able to treat COVID-19 without growing complications. These tips have helped many individuals without underlying health issues fight the virus at home as they await test results and after positive results have been confirmed. While treating yourself, it’s important to notice when emergency care is needed. Here are some tips to quarantine and treat COVID-19 in the comfort of your own home.
Isolate yourself from the household.
Make sure you’re stocked up with essential items needed for every day of self-isolation such as water bottles, tissue, and medication. Ensure there is very little contact with the rest of the household if you live with others. If the room you are distancing yourself in has a bathroom that’s incredibly beneficial for further isolation. In an event that you need anything, it’s suggested that these items be dropped off at the door.
Drink tons of fluids.
Symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, and fever can contribute to dehydration and impact the body’s water intake. Drink tons of fluids to combat dehydration and to further cool down the body in the midst of a fever. According to Healthline, other fluid options such as pedialyte and gatorade provide the same hydration as water. It’s recommended that women drink at least 2.7 liters of water and men almost 4 liters of water daily, and more water should be consumed if you are experiencing these COVID-19 symptoms.
Take pain medication.
Pain medication can relieve body ache that comes with being sick, and most importantly decrease body temperature. Over the course of a few days fever may occur, and people have turned to taking pain medication for a normal temperature. It’s suggested to avoid ibuprofen as it has been harmful to many people fighting COVID-19. Instead of ibuprofen turn to acetaminophen and stay cool removing blankets until body temperature returns to normal.
Take cough medicine.
Dry cough is one of the symptoms of Coronavirus, and there may be a significant amount of mucus or phlegm in the lungs that needs to be broken up. There isn’t any evidence that taking cough medicine cures COVID-19, although, these symptoms are similar to having a respiratory infection. Make sure it’s a cough expectorant instead of a suppressant you are taking because it’s crucial to encourage the mucus out of your lungs.
Incorporate herbal medicine in home treatment.
Ginger and turmeric root are both known for their anti-inflammatory properties in treating cold symptoms. There is a good chance these herbal medicines could assist in treating the virus. Adding ginger to hot tea can soothe the throat while helping to fight off the virus, and turmeric shots will aid in relieving pain as it reduces inflammation.
The CDC recommends that if you notice these symptoms of COVID-19 seek emergency care immediately:
Shortness of breath and trouble breathing
Continued chest pain, chest heaviness and pressure
Fogginess or confusion
Bluish lips or pale face
Pay attention to your symptoms, track them on a daily basis and if they gradually worsen please have a healthcare professional’s contact on hand to inform you on your next steps.
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