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Thinking About Adding Feminine Washes to Your Routine?

Justice for My Jewel

Feminine washes can raise an eyebrow to numerous well-versed women in feminine hygiene, especially now in 2020. If you want to know how to properly cleanse your vulva there are resources to make sure you aren’t using harmful products that contain toxic ingredients. The prominent doubt that women have derives from that fear of throwing off their pH balance. An unbalanced pH can be immensely uncomfortable and cause insecurity in our daily lives. If you are thinking about adding a feminine wash to your bathing routine proceed with caution.

According to Medical News Today, “These products may be preventing the growth of the healthy bacteria required to fight off infection. Our society has constructed female genitalia as unclean, and the marketing of vaginal hygiene products as something women need to attain the ideal is contributing to the problem.” Various vaginal infections can be closely associated with the use of feminine hygiene products that include most washes. 

First you have to access the red flags to look for if you are going to use a commercial feminine wash. When you pick up that bottle of wash, turn it around and read it. Feminine cleansers shouldn’t contain the ingredients below:


Fragrances that are used for deodorizing have the potential to further irritate the skin if they are synthetic. Scented feminine products can negatively affect the amount of good and bad bacteria present. 


Parabens are used as a preservative to make the product last longer and to kill bacteria growth. Parabens are known to disrupt hormone function.


Triclosan is a microbacterial ingredient which aids in reducing the amount of bacteria in that environment, however, this substance has the potential to make bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)

Sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate are both surfactants that irritate the skin, however, SLES can be less irritating than SLS. Products without these ingredients will read “sulfate-free”.


Toluene is found in petroleum and is used as a solvent. This substance is known not only to be a skin irritant but highly flammable. 

There are a variety of feminine washes on the market and it’s a matter of selecting the product that doesn’t disrupt your pH. Currently, many ladies are making their own DIY at home cleanser customized to what works well with their bodies. Be selective when choosing your desired feminine wash and be cognizant that your V is self-cleaning.

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